
ISMAPs xmas party for 2010

dresscode:BLACK ,WHITE , RED

For the first time .....
.reserve your tables.special offer for a botle of filandia vodka with juice and redbulls in the VIP area of the club.

So mail ismap to reserve a table for 6 or 4 people.

entrance 50 kc(for people with no reservation)


ISMAPs meeting with dean and vicedean

This past Wednesday, 1st December, ISMAP's direction and the Heads of different departments had the honor of being received by MuDr Doc. Boris Kreuzberg, Dean of Faculty and Doc RNDr. Pavel Fiala, Vice Dean of the Faculty.

Students had the opportunity to reveal precise ideas and suggestions sent by several students and that in general were approved by ISMAP Direction.The meeting took place in a very cordial way, with very positive conclusions and allowing a strengthened cooperation between ISMAP and Faculty's direction.

It was transmitted to us that the aims revealed by ISMAP as well as the work that this Association has accomplished so far, has not only been positive but also important for the development of the institution.

Academic Senate of Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen elections

On Tuesday and on Wednesday 7 and 8 Between 10 December 2010 - 14 pm there will be elections to the AS Medical Faculty in Pilsen.
ISMAPs cantidates for these elections are : Jan Hert (3rd year General Medicine) and Jose Francisco Correia de Lemos Pavao (5th year Genral Medicine)
We would like to ask the international students of this faculty to vote is these elections and help ISMAP and all the students to be represented in the academic senate.