
Surgery Workshop

ISMAP and its Scientific sub-committee have the pleasure to invite you for the first Surgery Worshop.

This workshop is directed to the students from the 4th, 5th, 6th year, with a limited number of inscriptions (see below)

Date: 23rd April 2010, 3 pm

Local: Lochotin Hospital, AULA


1. Theoretical Introduction
  • Prof. MuDr. Jiri Valenta DrSc. - "History of surgery"
  • MuDr. Jiri Molacek. PhD. - "introduction of pratical session"
  • Pediatric Surgeon lecture
2. Pratical Session (given by two surgeons)

  • Wounds and Sutures
  • Laparoscopic training

Inscription rules:

  1. All students from the 4th, 5th, 6th years of General Medicine course are able to register for this workshop;
  2. All students need to have the ISIC card with them for the registration ( DON'T FORGET!)
  3. The Inscription will take place next Monday ( 19th of April 2010) between 5-7 pm on ISMAP room, Safrankuv Pavilion (third floor where we have czech classes);
  4. There will be 30 places (10 for each year); (if all places are not fulfilled until 7 pm, the free places will be given, by order of arrival, to students from all years)

We will be waiting for you next Monday...Join us and together we will have an interesting "surgical" afternoon !

Best Regards
ISMAP Scientific Sub-committee

1 comment:

  1. Dear colleagues,

    Unfortunately, we will have to postpone our Surgery Workshop for the 30th April 2010 at same time and place, because of the last news about the Iceland volcano, one of the lecturer cannot be present on the next friday.

    After this, we will open another day for the rest of the places, with a REALLY limited number. Students, who have already signed in for the Workshop do not need to show, this is not directed for the ones that are on waiting list, this students have to come for the final inscription.
    The next date for inscriptions is 26th April 2010, next monday at same place, ISMAP ROOM, at 16:45 until 18:00. As today, the places will be filled by order of arrival.

    We are sorry for the "out of our responsability" inconvenience!!!

    Don't be lazy..if you want to be come a surgeon....Join us!!

    ISMAP Scientific Sub Comittee
